Philip Hutchins

Head in the cloud...

DevOps (Operations) Cheatsheet

Determine open files (file descriptors) for all processes by a user

watch 'lsof -u bws | awk '\''{print $2}'\'' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n'

Check iowait and disk stats

Use sar (which you will have had to install and enable previously) or…

iostat -xm 5

Create CSV from data in MongoDB

Please note that this requires jq 1.5 or greater for the join feature

First, create a js file “myquery.js” containing the query you would like to run

use mydatabase
printjson( db.users.find({}, { _id: 1, hashpass: 1 }).toArray() )

This sets the database to mydatabase, lets us read from a slave in a replicaset (only do

this if you are using a replicaset), then finds all records in the users collection, only

selecting the _id and converting it to an array

To execute this script against your DB from the command line, you would then do something like

mongo < myquery.js > user_list.json

First, remove the extra data thats been added before and after the []’s in the output file so it is valid json

Then parse the json data and convert it to a CSV

cat user_list.json | jq -r '. | map([._id, .hashpass] | join(", ")) | join("\n")' > user_emails_hashpass.csv

The last step is to add a header to your CSV file “` sed -i “Email Address, Hashpass” user_emails_hashpass.csv

LVM Notes

To import a Logical Volume that was not exported before being removed from a host, you can use

vgchange -ay

to import the LV again. You will likely have to run pvscan and vgscan before doing this.
